A recent inspection of the Church by our appointed architect revealed a significant number of major defects which need to be rectified urgently to preserve this Grade II* listed building and protect it from further deterioration.
These defects include:
- Unsafe access to the tower,
- Missing and loose brickwork on the outside faces and parapets of the tower,
- Old and rotting timber, lead work and slate in the tower roof.
- Water ingress into the upper tower.
- Crumbling stonework around several windows,
It is the village Church, and we need to ensure it is kept in good condition to be available for everyone - whether it is for regular worship, special services on high days and holidays or for family occasions such as baptisms, weddings and funerals as well as for those who just love the building and its history.
Estimates for this work amount to approximately £120,000. We have received a very generous bequest from the late June Crook for this project which, together with other donations left a shortfall of about £90,000.
Work on these repairs will be phased as funds become available, starting with the safety issues and the external faces of the tower.
Appeal for funds. We know it is never a good time to be asking for money, but we do hope you will consider supporting the project by making donations now and in the future. This is especially important now as donations made through the Good Exchange before 21st Sept 2022 will attract Match Funding by the Greenham Trust.
Details of how to donate are below
How to donate.
- via The Good Exchange website:
There is no charge for using the Good Exchange.
Donations made before 21st September 2022 will attract Match Funding from the Greenham Trust (up to a maximum of £5,000).
- By BACS bank transfer to our account with Lloyds Bank:
Account Name: East Garston PCC
Sort code: 30-95-89
Account No: 00696299
- By cheque payable to East Garston PCC and sent to
The Treasurer, Rowland Cobbold
The Old Mail House, Front Street, East Garston, RG17 7HN
Tel: 01488 649877, Email: rcobbold@hallamhouse.com
Gift Aid
If you are able and are willing to sign a Gift Aid Declaration this will enable us to claim 25p in the pound for each pound donated. You will need to complete and return the following declaration to the Treasurer.
Name(s) ……………………………………………
Address (first line) ……………………………………………
Post Code ……………………………………………
I/we have made/enclose a donation of £ ……………...
Please treat this as a Gift Aid donation. I confirm that I have paid or will pay an amount of Income and/or Capital Gains Tax for each tax year that is at least equal to the amount of tax that all the charities including the Church and community sports clubs that I donate to will reclaim on my gifts for that tax year. I understand that other taxes such as VAT and Council Tax do not qualify. I understand the charity/Church will reclaim 25p of tax for every £1 that I give.
Signed: Date: