The Parish Council is not a decision making body regarding the granting of Planning Permision within its boundaries. However it is consulted by the Planning Authority on all applications that are within or may impact the community.
The Parish Council normally considers Planning Applications at it's bimonthly meeting or where necessary a planning sub comitte meeting is called. Notices for such meetings will be posted on the Village Notice Board by the Jubilee Meadow, Back Street and every effort will be made to ensure copies appear in other prominent positions in the Parish including on this website.
Documentation for applications being considered by the Parish Council may be viewed by appointment with the Clerk.
Full documentation, including final decisions when available, may also be viewed on line by entering the application number or address into the search facility on the West Berkshire Council Planning Website then click on "Documents" or "Recent Documents"
In May 2017, The Parish Council resolved to publish the outcomes of their planning meetings on this website, with effect from that date they may be found on the Planning Meetings page.