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Key Parish Council notices can be found on the notice board at the entrance to the Jubilee Meadow on Back Street. Other notices of local interest may be found on the notice board at the end of the Village Hall. There is also a church notice board by the church lych gate.

East Garston News:

East Garston News is an irregular email newsletter regarding matters specific to the Parish. It is kindly hosted by Penny Post (see below). Click the link to subscribe to the email newsletter

If you would like to contribute to East Garston News please click the link to contact the editor.


The Parish Council owns and administers this website for the benefit of the community. It contains all of the official documents for the Parish Council but also aims to enable you to learn more about our community. Contributions are welcome from the community. If you would like to contribute to this website then please click the link to contact the editor.

Village Views:

This is a monthly magazine of general interest for those living in the parishes of Lambourn, Eastbury and East Garston. It contains interesting articles as well as many adverts for local trades and services.

For subscriptions and delivery to your door, contact Rebecca Gay on 01488 648408

To submit articles contact Dawn Tonge on 01488 648370 or dawnmarytonge@gmail.com

Penny Post:

Penny Post, produced by East Garston resident Penny Locke, is a community notice board website and e-newsletter bringing people together in West Berkshire, Wantage, Swindon, Marlborough and surrounding areas. It is full of local news and hints and tips for living in this community. Click the link to subscribe to the e-newsletter