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East Garston Flood and Pollution Forum

East Garston Flood and Pollution Forum is a group of residents with an active interest in the risk associated with high river levels, high groundwater levels and the effects of these on our sewage system.

Fluvial flooding (the river breaching its banks) is rare in East Garston and will hopefully be minimised in the future by the upstream Eastbury Flood Alleviation Scheme.

Of more concern to residents are high groundwater levels and the impact of those on our inadequate sewage systems. 

East Garston Flood and Pollution Forum (EGFF) is managed as an email distribution list but it is hoped will be more than simply a list of people to be advised of flood warnings. By making it open to everyone to contribute to the group with information, discussion and suggestions about flood and sewer problems, real value can be gained by all. In order to protect privacy, residents joining the forum may do so confidentially if they prefer i.e. on a blind copy of the emails distributed. 

This webpage provides a single source of relevant information of interest to EGFF and is associated with a page of more general interest regarding the River Lambourn in East Garston.

If you would like to join the EGFF then please contact the co-ordinator Martyn Wright here including your

  • Name
  • Address of East Garston Property
  • Email address
  • Phone Numbers

There are a number of stakeholders when considering flood risk in the village:-

East Garston Parish Council:- The Parish Council have a number of responsibilities that pertain to managing flood risk. These include
•    To protect, enhance and promote the environment of the Parish.
•    To protect, enhance and promote the collective interests and well-being of the residents of the Parish.
•    To make representations to West Berkshire Council and any other Statutory Body or Public Utility on matters affecting the residents of the Parish.

Parish Councillors Chris Tonge and Annabelle Eyre are tasked with overseeing the Council's response to river management and flood risk.

Lambourn Valley Flood Forum is a group of interested parties in the Lambourn Valley that meet on a regular basis to share information and action on managing flood risk in the Lambourn Valley. All of the stakeholders listed on this page are represented plus other Parish Council representatives. Martyn Wright (EGFF) represents East Garston on this body. Recent Minutes of the LVFF and other relevant documentation may be found here.

Live information on the groundwater situation in the Lambourn Valley can be viewed here.

West Berkshire Council is the Lead Local Flood Authority and is responsible for developing, maintaining and applying a strategy for local flood risk management in their area and for maintaining a register of flood risk assets. They also have lead responsibility for managing the risk of flooding from surface water, groundwater and ordinary watercourses and lead on community recovery. West Berkshire Council have produced a Lambourn Valley Flood Risk Management Plan which may be downloaded here.

The Environment Agency is responsible for taking a strategic overview of the management of all sources of flooding and coastal erosion. This includes, for example, setting the direction for managing the risks through strategic plans; providing evidence and advice to inform Government policy and support others; working collaboratively to support the development of risk management skills and capacity; and providing a framework to support local delivery. 

Thames Water are, among other things responsible for any drains outside of a private property boundary, known as a lateral drain, which directly discharge to the public sewer system. They are also responsible for most sewers.

The Penny Post Guide to "Looking After The River Lambourn"