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Finance for 2016-17

(these items are published in accordance with the Transparency Code for Smaller Authorities, December 2014 by the Department for Communities and Local Governmnet)

The Annual Finance Summary may be found here.

The statutory Annual Statement of Accounts  may be found here.

The Bank Reconcilliation Statement  may be found here.

The Statement of Significant Variances may be found here.

Significant (greater than £100) items of Expenditure  are listed below.

Date Purpose of Expenditure Amount (excluding VAT)
26-04-16 Hedgecutting  £132
26-04-16 Mowing  £193
26-04-16 Printing £135
04-05-16 Internal Audit  £215
04-05-16 Mowing  £193
19-05-16 Community Bus £410
19-05-16 Insurance £266
14-06-16 Mowing £193
27-06-16 Payroll  £304
07-07-16 Mowing  £278
07-07-16 Strimmer Repair  £110
16-07-16 Community Grant  £500
08-09-16 Mowing  £385
28-09-16 Refurb of Millennium Field Steps  £4347
29-09-16 Payroll  £304
27-10-16 Mowing  £193
02-11-16 Mowing  £193
21-12-16 Payroll £303
12-01-17 Churchyard Maintenance  £200
30-01-17 Planning Consultant  £588
01-03-17 SFB contribution  £200
17-03-17 Dog Waste Collection £203
17-03-17 Bench Refurbishment  £120
27-03-17 Hedgecutting  £132
28-03-17 Benches for Millennium Field £476
29-03-17 Payroll  £311

The Annual Governance Statement may be found here.

The Internal Audit Report may be found here.

Public Land and Building Assets may be found here.

Notice of Conclusion of Audit may be found here