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Mini Recycling Centre in East Garston

East Garston continues to lead the way in Reduce, Reuse, Recycle with the installation of the first rural Mini Recycling Centre in West Berkshire. You can now recycle many items not collected at the kerbside at the Recycling Centre in the car park of the Queens Lodge. (opposite the Queens Arms) There are containers for plastic pots, tubs and trays, tetra paks and Pringles tubes, small electrical goods and cardboard. Enormous thanks to Sue and Freddie Tulloch for allowing the use of their land. Please respect their generosity by ensuring the area is kept tidy when depositing recylable materials.

East Garston Eco Group (EGEG) was set up to research and share practical information about ecologically-aware choices in our local area.

If you would like to get involved in environmental projects in the village, EGEG would love to hear from you. More details here.