Latest News from Lambourn Surgery Patient Group
Lambourn Surgery Patient Participation Group Newsletter, November 2024
Autumn Vaccination Clinics
More than 1500 flu vaccinations and 900 Covid vaccinations were administered to eligible patients during the vaccination clinics held at the surgery during October. If you are eligible then it is not too late. Flu vaccine is still available at the surgery just call for an appointment if you are eligible. Unfortunately, due to the logistics of supply, the Covid vaccination is only available at the surgery during a clinic. Another clinic may be arranged at the surgery shortly or you can book at a pharmacy directly or through the NHS National Booking System online or by calling 119.
This year an additional vaccination is available to protect against respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), a common virus that can make babies and older adults seriously ill. It is recommended during pregnancy (to protect the unborn child) and for those aged 75 to 79. Eligible patients will have been contacted recently or will be soon. If you think that you may have been missed and are eligible then you can contact the surgery to make an appointment.
Using the NHS App
A few more patients are now using the NHS App on their phones following the help day held at the library in the summer. Access to the NHS app allows you to order repeat prescriptions, contact your GP about health problems, receive messages from your surgery or hospital and access your Medical Records. PPG members and surgery staff are available to help get you started with the app if you would like to give it a try. For existing users, did you know that instead of receiving text messages from the surgery and other parts of the NHS these can be sent to the NHS app. However, this is only if you have “notifications” turned on in the app. You can do this through the settings tab in the app. As well as ensuring you get all your NHS messages in one place it also helps the surgery and the NHS save money by not having to pay for text messages.
Lambourn Volunteer Drivers
Did you know that Lambourn Volunteer Group (LVG) runs a charitable service providing transport for patients to medical and dental appointments, which is provided by volunteers?
LVG has been working hard to maintain this valuable service but needs more drivers, especially from East Garston and Great Shefford.
As a driver, your services are unlikely to be called upon more than 2-3 times a month (but even one drive per month will be gratefully accepted!). You volunteer your time and get paid a mileage allowance for your car. There is no obligation to say yes to a drive request – you only accept those that are convenient for you as a volunteer.
If you feel that you may be interested, please contact Liz Cox who will be able to explain further and answer any questions you may have on 07813 195650.
If you would like to make use of the service, then please call the booking service with as much notice as possible between 10am - 12noon on Mondays or Thursdays. 01488 71536.
Breast feeding and Quiet Zone
The Surgery continues to be Breast Feeding Friendly Practice, and they are working toward a dedicated space for nursing mothers, more news soon. Similarly, they are hoping to provide a dedicated waiting space for those who would prefer more privacy and quiet whilst waiting. In the meantime, always ask at reception for a quiet space if you need it and they will always try to accommodate.
It is important to let the surgery know if the standards you expect have not been met. It enables them to check that their processes are effective, make improvements where needed and possible within the remit of the NHS and share learning with staff. There are many ways to get in touch. You can complete the feedback form on the website (search complaints procedure in the search box), collect a form from the waiting room, write a letter or call and ask for a telephone appointment with the practice manager.
You can complain on behalf of a 3rd party if they are unable to make the complaint themselves, but consent is required from the party in question or in the case of a person who has died, the complainant must be the personal representative of the deceased. Evidence may be required. They will always investigate your concerns fully and will let you know any outcome and any actions or learning for the practice team in the earliest possible timeframe.
Please Help Keep Everyone Informed
Please be so kind as to share this newsletter with those who would not normally have access to electronic communications.
Thank you.
You can contact the PPG via email; or in writing via the surgery office, addressed to the Chair of the PPG.
Alan Breadmore, Chair, Lambourn Surgery PPG